If any of you would rather send Don an email greeting card, the hospital he is in has a way to do that. Just go to the link I am posting below and follow the instructions. I sent him one this morning. Don is in Senior Lifestyles room 100.
Don Jacobs update. Great news, Don is on his way via ambulance to the Jefferson Barracks VA center in St Louis. The ambulance crew let him have his cell phone and he gave Cheryl and I a call. He has things to get through but believe he is on the right track now. Told him all his Seawolf Brothers and many others love him and support him.
He will be so happy to see you both! Thank you so much! I will be there on 3/31 sometime in the afternoon. I don't foresee him leaving before you are heading over. I will leave it a surprise for him that you are coming in for a visit.