Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War

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Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War

Mike Brinck
There will be an official commemoration of the 50th Anniversary beginning in 2015.  I was visited by LT Gen (Ret) Kicklighter who is leading the project for DoD and mentioned HAL-3.  The Commemoration website is at:

If you look at their list of over 5,300 commemorative partners, you will find many units that served in Vietnam.  Perhaps HAL-3 should be a partner (there is no cost)?  They also asked about a reunion and I gave them the 2014 date and place.

Among the things they are doing is giving a very beautiful certificate to the families of those who were killed.  I will give them the list of our KIA and if Dan or anyone has a list of addresses of the KIA families, pls email it to me at and I will get it to Kicklighter.

Bill Pressy - pls give me a call