Captain William James Mulcahy services at Arlington April 11, 2019

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Captain William James Mulcahy services at Arlington April 11, 2019

Dan Arnes
Facebook post from ‎Cathy Mulcahy‎ to HA(L) 3 US NAVY SEAWOLVES, April 1 at 8:13 PM ·

My father, Captain William James Mulcahy, will arrive at his final resting place, at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington DC, 3 PM, on Thursday, April 11, 2019

SeaWolves are invited to attend. A dinner will follow the service. RSVP is requested ASAP.

Upon texting with my stepsister, Susie (she has made this all come to be!), it is requested that those that will attend, be at the admin building, in cars, by 2:15 pm.