Branson Reunion 2020

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Branson Reunion 2020

Joe Crutcher
This is the current status on the postponement and rescheduling of our Sept reunion. If you have questions pertaining to reservations you may simply inquire with Gary and Barb Ely.

     Hello to our Seawolf brothers and families,
           I am writing today to inform you that myself as your Seawolf Association President and your Executive Committee have agreed that our September reunion will be cancelled and rescheduled at the earliest possible date next year (2021).  
           As I write this to you I’m doing so with a heavy heart.  I, like you, look forward to being together with everyone at each reunion and I know this news might be disappointing to some of you and maybe a relief to others.  We had so many special activities planned and we were looking forward to another amazing reunion. Try to be cheerful though , we will still have an amazing reunion , it will just be on a different date.
           With that being said, this decision was one that, quite honestly, we really struggled with.  The decision to cancel did not come without a tremendous amount of thought, consideration and a lot concerns. The most important concern was for the safety and well-being for all of us. According to the experts we are in the most vulnerable age group ( 65 and over).  Exposure to the Virus and coming down with it, at our ages , could result in serious, if not devastating, health problems. I am one that feels a very deep responsibility to prevent that from happening to anyone if at all possible.
             There are far too many unknowns in regard to the COVID-19 virus and the health risks it presents.  Each and every one of you is important and if we watched over each other and protected  one another in that far away land called Viet Nam those many years ago it is also what we have continued to do even to this day . Seawolves are Seawolves and they do take care of each other. Fantastic group of Brothers. I am truly proud to be one.    
            The Executive Committee and myself will be actively working toward rescheduling this reunion for 2021 and we will let you know as plans are made.  
            I would like to thank Barbara and Gary Ely for the tremendous amount of hours and work they’ve put into the September reunion and we know that by postponing the reunion and rescheduling it their work will begin all over again.  Gary and Barbara, you have my sincere appreciation and gratitude for your service to our Seawolves and thank you for your continued support as we begin to plan this reunion for 2021.
            It is my prayer that each and everyone of you stays healthy, optimistic, hopeful and someday soon we’ll all be together again truly celebrating and having a good time without the threat of anyone becoming ill from this Virus.
 Please let us continue to keep our Seawolf brother, Red Elder , in our Prayers as he is in the hospital battling this very dangerous Virus that is causing all the concerns Covid-19.
Wishing him a speedy recovery on behalf of all of us.

Please pray that all our Seawolf Families stay Safe and Healthy.
Everyone will be in my prayers  and I am looking forward to the 2021 reunion.

Joe Crutcher
President Seawolf Association