Best time to make flight reservations for Savannah

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Best time to make flight reservations for Savannah

Howard Jacobs ROH
Does anyone have any idea when the best time is to book a flight to Savannah for the reunion?  Now or wait until it gets a little closer? I already sent in my paperwork for the reunion and booked the room.
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Re: Best time to make flight reservations for Savannah

Barb Ely
Howard, tough question.  I don't think there is a best time to make air reservations.  I suggest you watch fares for awhile.  If you find a good airfare that you're comfortable it.  Some airlines will run deals and if your travel dates qualify, you can get a great price.  Main thing to not wait to book less than 21 days prior to your date of arrival. I'm sorry I don't have a magic answer...kind of a "toss up" with the airlines.  
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Re: Best time to make flight reservations for Savannah

Paul Albertine
Savannah is a great area, nice beaches...great downtown area, restaurants etc.  go early, stay late...

you're gonna enjoy the location
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Re: Best time to make flight reservations for Savannah

Howard Jacobs ROH
In reply to this post by Barb Ely
Thanks Barb.... looking forward to seeing you again.