Back on the Forum again!!!!!

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Back on the Forum again!!!!!

Dan Arnes
I just wanted to let everyone know that I finally hacked back into my old email; that was hacked into. Have started replying to several Seawolf emails already.

I now have it back again with a new password that takes up about 100 symbols, numbers and letters, etc. that I have to look at a 3x5 card to enter it!!!

Will probably take a while to look through the forum that I missed and respond to any one posting to me!

Dan Arnes

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Re: Back on the Forum again!!!!!

Mike Dobson
Graet to have you back Dan !!
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Back on the Forum again!!!!!

Rev. Don Poole
In reply to this post by Dan Arnes
Dan, you just be someone who might have some insight on a project I hope to undertake.....there is a post about it on the forum regarding plank question is if you may have, or know someone who does have a plank owner list.....I don't think it would be a great number, perhaps 50-100 members.....Early in 1968 it came up and during that year certificates and I.D. cards were presented to those who were included in that first group.  I'm not sure about the number or who we all were and thought you might have a hint on who to contact.....I seem to remember there might have been a list in the Wolfgram many years ago, but the old grey matter is not as sharp as it used to be , so I may be totally wrong.   Any help will be appreciated.
Blessings.   Don Poole
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Re: Back on the Forum again!!!!!

David Smale
In reply to this post by Dan Arnes
Dan it is good to see your post. I have been wondering how you are doing. Your contribution to the Seawolf association cannot be over estimated. Hope you are doing well
David Smale