Army Sea Wolf Pilot joined the Association

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Army Sea Wolf Pilot joined the Association

Dan Arnes
The Association Welcomes:

(5/19/2014) – (MBR) Army "Sea Wolf" James R. ELLIS, WO1, Pilot, Army Task Force Sea Wolf, USS Tortuga (LSD-26) 5/5/1966 to 9/1966. Jim resides in Fredericksburg, TX and wants to attend the Dallas Reunion if he can fit it in.

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Re: Army Sea Wolf Pilot joined the Association

Bill Rutledge
Of course he will fit in and be welcome,
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Re: Army Sea Wolf Pilot joined the Association

Dan Arnes
I meant he wants to come if he can fit it in with his current schedule Bill.

He knows he will be welcome. He also knew Seawolf pilot Tom Moss (Jefferson, TX) as they both flew for the US Border Patrol.
