Any ROH updates ?

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Any ROH updates ?

Bob Reynolds  ROH
Hello Brothers,

Just checking in to see if there are any updates on the ROH process. VO-67 will be holding it's seventh reunion in San Diego in July of this year. Several of the shipmates that I talked into completing the paperwork have been and will be asking about the ROH. I am just at a loss as to what to tell them. We have lost numerous folks over the last two years so I don't know how many more reunions we will have. As I stated before perhaps we could have a selection committee meet and at least vote up or down on all potential enrollees. An enrollment could take place if and when the Yorktown decides what it wants to do.

Thanks for any information.

Bob Reynolds
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Re: Any ROH updates ?

Jim Armstead
Seems to me that ROH had a time when all that were around were the time I found the one seemed to be doing much with it.  At least that is how it seemed to me...??
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Re: Any ROH updates ?

Mke Dobson   "Ten Bears"
At this time, even with promises from Yorktown to restore the Exhibit, there has been no progress towards the exhibit being returned to it's former place of display .....  Hope still burns, and contacts have changed, perhaps headway will be finally made .....