Another update on Norm

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Another update on Norm

Howard Jacobs
Update on Norm from Cyndi...

 Dad's procedure was supposed to be a simple thing to add a shunt to drain the fluid from his head to his stomach. As he was going to his twilight he was singing "My Darlin' Clementine". It has become a nightmare. They took him for his CT scan & his pupil didn't react as it should have. The doctor was somber as he explained blood had collected & he wasn't sure why. He didn't believe dad would come out. He took dad back into surgery to immediately remove the shunt as his brain shifted significantly. Its not good. However, dad is responding to pain. His pupil is still not constricting but I'm confident this dr doesn't know the fight my dad has in him & that God has definitely been on my dad's side. He is currently in stable condition. Thank you for continued prayers.

Norm is one hell of a fighter.... keep the prayers coming.
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Re: Another update on Norm

Michael La Bella (ROH)
and here is some more prayers, you hang in there and don't lose hope
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!