Another Seawolf Association MBR Passed away 07/29/2020 in FL

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Another Seawolf Association MBR Passed away 07/29/2020 in FL

Dan Arnes
Received word last night from Seawolf Mike Louy that he ran across an obituary in the Pensacola News Journal that Seawolf Gordon James DEY, CDR, Maintenance Officer, Vung Tau, 04/24/1968 to 03/01/1969, had passed away on 07/29/2020 at age 92.
Gordon was awarded the Bronze Star with Combat V and Air Medal-Strike/Flight (Numeral unknown) from HA(L)-3.

Obituary: Gordon James DEY
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Re: Another Seawolf Association MBR Passed away 07/29/2020 in FL

Mike Dobson
Rest in Peace Seawolf !   You are relieved of your watch .  
Mike Dobson (ROH)