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Airman looking for POW/MIA story to share

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Airman looking for POW/MIA story to share

1 post
Good morning Seawolves.

My name is Senior Airman (E-4) Christopher Sequeira. I am Air National Guard, currently attending Airman Leadership School, which is one of the requirements to earn E-5 in the Air Force. I am in charge of presenting a POW/MIA story at our graduation. The presentation will be a 1-2 minute brief of the person.

I had the pleasure of meeting AOCS Craig A. Jones, CAC/AW/ROH, USN, Ret, on a domestic flight in April 2018. His stories deeply impacted me, and I have passed forward some of the stories that he told me when we met. If anyone is willing to share a POW/MIA story with me, I would be honored to share the story with my graduating class and our leadership/guests.

Please forgive me if this is not the proper place to ask for a POW/MIA story. My intention is to honor the Seawolves so that future generations may remember the sacrifices of those who came before us. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your responses.
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Re: Airman looking for POW/MIA story to share

Michael Dobson
26 posts
Christopher, The Seawolves had no POW's -----   we only had 2 MIA that were lost during a night takeoff from a mid river platform in 67 ----   their bodies were never recovered, so are listed as MIA, presumed KIA .      We never left anyone on the ground -- that was our code ---- and we held that line -------- solo your search here will not have favorable results for your presentation   sorry .        I may be able to put you in touch with a POW from the Jessica Lynch incident in Iraq --- Mike
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Re: Airman looking for POW/MIA story to share

4 posts
Were any remains of LTJG Reardon recovered from Cambodia?