Air Medal License plates Study

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Air Medal License plates Study

Mike Dobson
I now count 20 states that presently have Air Medal plates on the books --- and I hope that isn't all of them ----- I have :  Minnesota, Maine, Alabama, Vermont, Maryland, West Virginia, Texas, Pennsylvania, Mississippi,Tennessee, Delaware, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Georgia, Oklahoma, Missouri, Vermont, Virginia, and New Mexico on my list --- what other states offer Air Medal plates ?
    States that do not, Rhode Island, Oregon, Hawaii, New York, Maine, Alaska, Kansas , Iowa, Arizona, California, Florida, Wyoming, Nevada, Kentucky, Colorado, Washington, Idaho , Montana , S Dakota, N Dakota, Arkansas, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Michigan, Utah, New Mexico, Indiana, and Nebraska (a very sad number of Vet plates in Neb)
  States pending....  Illinois    
  the total state count is now at 50
 soooo 40% of the states have Air Medal plates with one more pending     that is ammo to take to your legislatures --- I would not think they would want to be the last state to recognize our cause.  I recommend taking your DD214 - 215 or whatever they call it now, to your legislative rep, the governor, and whoever may have "pull" .  Get your ammo can loaded, add a copy of your award certificates (combat "V's" a bonus) flight records, a copy of articles stating the equality of the Bronze star & Air Medal, any awards of single action Air medals (typically are dowgraded DFC's ), a list of the states that now have the Air Medal plate, (and a list of those that don't) . and any gents that have the quals to make a mass appeal to "Gett'er DONE!"   We can make this happen in EVERY STATE !!!  personally, I have a PH, but I rate the AM far higher (at least in my case)  and don't intend to let this go away without a positive response in IOWA !!
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Air Medal License plates Study

Mike Dobson
talked to a Iowa state senator today --- he is willing to back and write the proposal for a Iowa Air Medal plate !  
Mike Dobson (ROH)