I keep hearing/reading about the agent orange registry. These people needed blood tests and took tests to get on the registry. I was under the impression if you were in-country you were covered for agent orange related maladies. Can someone please clarify this issue?
Rod... I can only speak for myself and tell you that I'm not on the registry. I have a rep and filed a claim for prostate cancer with the VA which was recognized as AO related. There is a list of AO related medical problems which you can find on line to look through. I only suggest that if you want to file a claim with the VA I strongly suggest you get someone to represent you and never give up on whatever you file for.
There's probably someone out there that can help clarify the issue about the registry.
Knew a Veteran who died, wife had cause of death as AO. Veteran was in-country and not on AO Registry. VA denied her benefits.. had to change death certificate to read PTSD which was his 100% thru VA.. With all the items now showing up under AO recognition and hitting we old growing Veterans.. Good idea to get yourself on the AO Registry Rod.
I went thru it back in the 1980's.. When I got the Prostate cancer, 1998-99.. I was given 100% AO and I'm already 100% T&P for PTSD . I did the registry due to my sons being born with sum medical issues.
Check it out thru a Rep as Howard suggest. Or just do it..(File a claim).. speaking for myself.
I went and got registered, which is free, they just give you some tests, and it gets you on the VA Registry in case there is something in the future that comes up related to AO and in my case also the Desert Storm issues.
You do NOT have to be on the registry to apply for Agent Orange-related disability benefits. I believe the registry was set up by VA as a means to track Viet vets on a long-term basis.
About 5 years ago I went to the VA in Beckley WV for an AO eval. They gave me a chest X-Ray and did some blood work. I then sat down with a nurse who asked lots of questions and reviewed my X-Ray and blood lab results. They found stuff on my lungs which resulted in several MRIs and CAT scans. Other than scaring the crap out of me, no problems. I was entered on the registry.