I have the reference for this article:
1Edward J. Marolda, By Sea, Air, and Land: An Illustrated History of the U.S. Navy and the War in Southeast Asia (Wash DC: Naval Historical Center, 1994), pp. 167–69

After reading Mike's post, I went back and reviewed the reference listed, and found this was the best photo of the "Seawolf" Helo with the "Snake" nose art on page 169.

This is a very good book (Paperback; large, 8 1/2 by 11) with good photos and lots of history (Vietnam War). There is more info than just the pp. 167-169 which was used for the post Mike found.
I purchased mine on on Amazon quite a while ago, but it is still available.
23 Used from $15.98
10 New from $25.00