5-27-14 Latest on Brother Norm Stayton from Cyndi

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5-27-14 Latest on Brother Norm Stayton from Cyndi

Howard Jacobs
Latest from Cyndi about Norm...

Update on dad: he got the traech on Friday & now has to be restrained bcuz he's tried to pull it out. He gets a feeding tube today. He's still not consistent with his responses. However, he no longer qualifies for ICU. After a couple of days we have to find transportation to a skilled nursing facility, most likely Reche Canyon again. He can stay there for 100 days. If he doesn't improve before the 100 days we aren't sure what we are going to do. This is getting more & more difficult. It's been over 2 months since the initial surgery. We are all on edge. There aren't enough emoticons to share what we are going thru. Please continue prayers for dad, mom, Tawni, & I. The phrase 'quality of life' keeps playing over & over in my head. Makes you reflect on everything. I started bawling in the car listening to an Eminem song. The lyrics 'my baby knows that her daddy's her soldier. Everyone's leaning on me'. You may not like Eminem but his songs to & about his daughter are touching. I lost it. Tawni played the Greenday song 'time of your life' & it caused emotions to fly.

Keep the Prayers coming for our Brother and his family.
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Re: 5-27-14 Latest on Brother Norm Stayton from Cyndi

Howard Jacobs
Got a message from Cyndi.... she is going to need some help with working something out with the VA for Norm.  If anyone can help her and the family out contact her... I only know how to contact her on facebook.