2020 Branson Reunion "Saturday" Casual Social Event

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2020 Branson Reunion "Saturday" Casual Social Event

Barb Ely
Below is what has been added to the Reunion Schedule as a Saturday morning event for spouses, family and friends of the Seawolves that will be in the Seawolf Business Meeting.  All of this info will be in the next issue of the Wolfgram due out late March/early April.

SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 26. 2020   ***Non-Seawolves Only***              
9:30a – 1:00p   CASUAL SOCIAL  “BRING ONE – GET ONE”                  Voluntary $25.00 Raffle Item(s)
ALL Seawolf spouses, family and friends come join us in the hotel Hospitality “Unity” Room for coffee, tea, conversation and raffle prizes.  While our Seawolves are in their Business Meeting conducting Seawolf business….slip on those “comfy” clothes, come on down, pull up a chair, “hangout”, make some great memories by talking and mingling with friends and leave the event with a Raffle gift.  The Raffle is where the title “Bring One – Get One” comes into play.  Bring a donation for the Raffle and get a ticket to win. To keep things simple and inexpensive, there is a $25 limit on a Raffle item(s) and we ask it’s small enough to fit in a suitcase. Some options might be gift cards, lotions, candles..etc.  The raffle is completely voluntary, not mandatory. Look forward to seeing you there and building new friendships and memories.    
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Re: 2020 Branson Reunion "Saturday" Casual Social Event

Shannon Arballo
I love this idea...sounds like a relaxing and special time!