2018 ships Store info

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2018 ships Store info

Mike Dobson
As you all probably know, the Ship's Store sales are to generate funds for our scholarship fund.  2018 was a monster year since my 4 year stewardship started  ---- in addition to many members adding generous "extra" dollars to their orders as direct donations, and the $19,000 in sales at the reunion,  I processed 192 orders this year ..... which makes it the "banner" year for us while I have had the store -------- perhaps Mike Worthington, Jack Williamson , or Terry Mize remember larger totals, but this was a dandy, nearly 50 orders larger than any of my years before this -------- believe me, they know me at the Post Office                I hope everyone that has ordered the new "Legends " coats have been pleased with their purchases     Thanks Guys and Gals, I've had a lot of fun filling these orders, and sometimes talking to you about them -----